Why Coins.xyz?
Trade crypto with ease and security with Coins.xyz - a globally licensed exchange that allows you to directly deposit USD and easily trade crypto with either our one-click buy and sell option or through our spot trading experience. Get access to a wide range of tokens, low fees and deep liquidity when you trade on Coins.xyz.
What products does Coins.xyz provide?
Coins.xyz has spot trading, one-click Buy/Sell, and an over-the-counter (OTC) TradeDesk.
Spot TradeWith numerous trading pairs and our robust matching engine linking buyers and sellers, you can smoothly trade cryptocurrencies at current market rates.
One-Click Buy/SellBuy and Sell crypto with ease with just a push of a button.
TradeDeskThe elite over-the-counter trading experience for institutions and high-net-worth individuals. Access a wide crypto selection and swift execution on large-volume trades.
What cryptocurrencies can I trade?
We support a wide range of cryptocurrencies on Coins.xyz, please refer to the full list here.